Ana Sayfa open space THE CORONA CASE The art of crisis THE CORONA CASE The art of crisis October 27, 2020 İLGİLİ İÇERİKLERYAZARIN DİĞER İÇERİKLERİ News -Updates Candidates admitted to the Curating Contemporary Art Seminar Program of year 2021 Curatorial Projects Curating Contemporary Art 2020-2021 Curatorial Projects Curating Contemporary Art News -Updates Açık Diyalog Istanbul’da Seminer: Kültürel Kamusal Alanın Oluşumu/ Seminar at Open Dialogue Istanbul: The Formation of Cultural Public Space News -Updates Hürses Gazetesi/ Hürses Newspaper: Çocuklar Açık Diyalog Istanbu’da Göbeklitepe’ye Yolculuğa Çikacak