Ahu Büyükkuşoğlu Serter İle Sanat Ve Koleksiyon Üzerine

Finans, plastik sanayi, yöneticilik, girişimcilik ve daha birçok alanda öncülük yapan, ayrıca genç sanatçılara ve kadın girişimcilere destek veren Ahu Büyükkuşoğlu Serter ikinci jenerasyon bir koleksiyoner. Ailece Türkiye’de sanata ve sanatçılara verdikleri destek ile...

A Chat With Mr. Ali Güreli About The Fair

The Contemporary Art Fair has undoubtedly played an important role in making a world recognised art market out of Istanbul in their attempt of creating a ‘sexy’ art fair, appealing to everyone in such...

A Casual Chat With Jonathan Monaghan

Can you tell me about yourself. How did you decide you wanted to be an artist?  I was born in Queens, NY. I originally studied to work in the video games and entertainment industry. I...

Nomadic Spaces: Nomadic Remedies to Cultural Discrepancies

By Billur Tansel In a linked pair of Perspectives posts, Billur Tansel of Open Dialogue Istanbul and Huma Kabakci of Open Space Istanbul offer complementary takes on their experiences of the dissolution of international borders...